Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Rapper x The Painter (Fidzo x Kehinde Wiley)

We all know that art can take on many forms, from painting to writing and everything in between. Those who make art are a part of a special community of great thinkers and creators. When artistic avenues collide, magic is made. This is the material that Revolutions are made of. The artist responsible for this painting, Kehinde Wiley, paints images of African Americans adorned in hip-hop attire and places them amidst elaborate, decorative backgrounds reminiscent of European high-society from years ago. This coupling is the exact blend that Renowned Art is using to create culturally trangressive works creating a refreshing, new genre that promotes unity through artistic expression. He is literally re-writing history and depicting it with a fervor similar to that of those who’ve tried to deny blacks their rightful place in the Art community. Kehinde Wiley, We Salute You! You are the reason, you are the correction, you inspire us to Never Stop Creating.